Campus Club of India

For students doing their college education, aged between 16 to 20 years, things may not be that tuff. But, the same thing, about getting higher grades, keeps haunting them. However, since college life involves having greater freedom than that of school life, they are just somewhat relaxed. Attending college lectures, then again dashing off for private tuition classes…this one common thing still continues. Once college life is over, there is still more to run about, for doing ‘specialization’ courses of various kinds. So, where and how to manage the mounting stress of life?  It’s “all work and no play” in a college student’s life.

‘De-stress’ activities specially crafted for Collage Students.

For college students, aged between 16 to 20 years, ‘Campus Club of India’ provides the solution to the College students, with the right guidance, in the form of counseling. It doesn’t end here. There are ‘de-stress’ activities that are specially crafted to help them manage their stress, and also to counsel them for their future. Stress management and Career counseling, both!

Participate in Fun-filled activities and de-stress.

Free yourself from Stress, participate in fun and other activities, make short travels, picnics and rejuvenate your stressed life. Taking time off for short travels and picnics is the best medicine known to de-stress oneself. At ‘Campus Club of India’ you will bond with other college students and keep the company of the best. You’ll have a hearty discussion, you’ll refresh your life, be energized to handle your Career.  

Share a burst of hearty laughter! We organize social activities, games, trips, and other such extracurricular activities for college students.  

What a student will benefit from by being a member at the ‘Campus Club of India’.

          * You’ll learn more about how to manage yourself and your time.

          * You’ll develop the most important requirement of today, “soft skills”.

          * You’ll learn how to get organized and work as a team.

          * You’ll expand your list of people through networking.

          * You’ll learn to interact, engage and harmonize with various groups.

          * You’ll learn all about leadership and, be a leader too.

Release yourself from the clutches of worry…Re-evaluate yourself…lighten up and have some fun, and still keep a firm hold on your Studies/career.

Life is not so worthless to be spent in worries. Don’t be a miser to take time out for your own self. Be a part of the ‘Campus Club of India’ today!